Angler Fish update 2

Since the last update of my angler fish I have remodeled the fins much more to my liking, Ive also given the fish its notorious fangs, I may possibly be guilty of over exaggerating the size of the teeth but it defiantly gives the image a more striking effect. I have started working on the material for the skin of the fish, however I need to find out how to apply different materials to different parts of the same object. As you can see the inside of the fish's mouth is the same material as the outer skin. I also need to discover how to have the lightsource visible to show the fish's trademark 'fleshy growth' lure emitting light.

Im finding myself growing much more confident with 3DS Max, I think the initial learning curve is very steep but now I feel much more comfortable with the interface and the production techniques I have learnt so far. I wasn't sure whether I would enjoy 3D production before I started this module but now the initial basics are learnt im very much enjoying the module.


Jenny said...

Your work seems to be progressing nicely, your ideas sound and look interesting. Looks like you have gotten used to Max as its reflected in your work. Nice page layout.